#sexy sexy billy delaney
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simon-x-billy · 8 months ago
We need some closeups
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Robert Sheehan: The Bigger Picture (X)
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e-vay · 3 months ago
So, what's your voice headcanons for the older sonic characters, and aurora?
I picture many of the Sonic cast as young adults now anyway, so for some of them I'd just keep previous voice actors whose performances I've enjoyed, except maybe a couple of dream casting scenarios.
Aurora - Mandy Moore
Sonic - Jason Griffith. Have you heard him do his bits as Sonic lately? He does a more aged-up Sonic and I love it. Hell, I even just love Jason's regular speaking voice, I think it's perfect for an older Sonic even that way.
Amy - If you know me, you know Amy's gotta be Alison Brie~! 😍
Tall!Tails - This might change, but I currently picture Neil Patrick Harris. He's equally good at playing fumbly, nervous characters as he is at playing confident, smartass roles and I think that's the right balance for older Tails in my AU.
Knuckles - Idris Elba
Rouge - Kathleen Delaney (Best Rouge ever imo)
Shadow - This one is the most difficult because it's hard to nail down the voice I hear in my mind as him to one person haha. I like a variety of options for Shadow, ranging from canon voices like Ian Hanlin or Keanu Reeves, plus I like the idea of several other voice actors ranging from the English voice actor for Sylus from Love and Deepspace, or Jensen Ackles or Billy Burke (you can hear both of them as Batman and Commissioner Gordon in this clip), or Steve Blum or even Markiplier! The list goes on and on! I don't know if I have found the perfect voice that lines up with what I hear in my head for Shadow. Just picture it velvety and sexy~!
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simon-x-billy · 2 years ago
Simon x Billy
Year of the OTP: March
March prompt: Acceptance
Meet my OTP: Simon Lewis, author of a best-selling paranormal book series, who keeps writing himself into his novels; and Billy Delaney, Irish handsome devil and nomadic man of mystery, who chefs internationally. AN: Simon x Billy is a slow-burn m/m first-time-bi fic (nsfw at ch. 7). TW: References to the pain of being cheated on, language, Irish-isms, massive rewrites. Event details || ao3: Full Event || @yearoftheotpevent
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Masterlist || ao3 || Start: Jan Ch. 1 || Prev: Feb Ch. 2 || Here: Mar Ch. 3 || Next: April Ch. 4
March Chapter 3: My red stripe of pain
Ooh, my ass is sunburnt. In a slightly-but-mostly-not sexy way. Look at that. I’ve taken on a rather tomatoesque appearance after four hours in the meaty embrace of the sun at midday without sunblock. But even pain can’t spoil this utter relaxation and bliss I feel.
Huh. I’ve just realized I’ve never done this before — traveling to another country alone. Maybe it’ll turn lonely again later. But right now, watching a boat streaking across my view, I feel free.
And slightly dehydrated.
“You have a stripe on your arse. That’s what yer tellin me, is it.”
“A stripe of pain. Have you been naughty, Simon?” Billy asks with the most obscenely good looking smirk. Ew. How dare he.
“Don’t grin at me like that, you barbarian. My red stripe of pain isn’t worthy of that kind of interest, trust me.”
“Why not?” He’s pouring me his favorite wine at the hotel bar, while I wait for my table at the very-big-deal restaurant outside.
“Why n- Are you- My red stripe of pain is a boring kind of red stripe of pain, I assure you.” After a second’s very deep reflection, I’ve realized I want to know, “Why are you so focused on my red stripe of pain, anyway? Never mind. I’ve changed my mind about wanting to know that. Ugh, look at this place. I have no words,” I sigh as the sun dips toward the horizon.
“Finally noticed you’re in Italy, did you,” he chuckles. He’s chuckling. Great.
“Even I had to notice sooner or later. And though it was a little, ok fine, quite a bit later, it’s ok. I’m good with that. Look, the point is…” What was my point? (I am the essence of cool rn.)
Now he’s raising one of his eye caterpillars at me.
He squawks out a laugh and then ducks, as a few of the other patrons look up at the bar.
“Tell me I didn’t say that out loud,” I ask weakly.
“You didn’t say that out loud. But the truth is, yeh said that out loud, mate. And I’ve never heard quite that arrangement of words, ever. Eye caterpillars,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I bet they keep your face warm come winter. But don’t worry, I was once described as having eye caterpillars, too.” By whom I can’t remember. But am I admitting to furry eyebrows? Fuck no. His are far furrier than mine.
“Mate, looks like your seating is ready.” He inclines his head to the side to indicate the host coming to claim me.
“Oh. Ok. Have a good night Beelee.” I waive as I say, “Ciao,” then cringe. “Oh kill me now, I said ciao.” All I can think every time I hear it is puppy chow. Or puppy ciao.
“Keep using it, til you don’t think about it anymore,” is Billy’s random advice. ”Ciao, Seemon.”
“Does he talk dirty to all the guests?” I mumble as I’m seated.
“The list of the wines, signore.” The host hands me a binder so freakin big it requires tabs. Oh look, there’s another one for their selection of olive oils, too.
I never was any good at languages. I’m thinking maybe I should have spent some time on important things, like “Where’s the bathroom? Right and left. Do you have a cell phone charger?” The essentials.
I was too focused on setting everything up for the proposal. The one I’d planned for tonight.
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…Fuck, man, I miss her. Why? Why the fuck do I miss her? Why does she get that from me, karmically? It’s so unfair.
I mean, at least I finally feel buzzed. But it’s not cheering me up. It’s just making me all moony.
…I’ve never seen a lavender sky before. Have you? This would be an impossible place to contemplate suicide. Not when you get this sky every day.
…Why does she get to have me miss her? That’s just not cool. “What did I ever do to you?” Maybe I really shouldn’t shake my fist at the sky in the middle of a Michelin-starred restaurant. Even when there isn’t somebody here to get embarrassed by me. So I’m hereby mentally shaking my fist at the sky. Screw y-
Whoa. Look at that.
Is that a freakin schooner? I mean that looks like the Pirates of the Caribbean came to the Mediterranean. I just- I can’t- It’s- It’s a freaking cruise ship. A sailboat version of a cruise ship. My god.
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That is simultaneously brilliant and an unholy alliance of two things that should not exist in the same paragraph on a travel brochure. I dunno. I’m just jealous. I’ve always wanted to be in Pirates of the Caribbean.
…You ever wonder what he or she saw when they looked at you standing there at the end? I can’t stop thinking about it. What had I turned into in her mind, right before she finally got the balls to say and do what she wanted to? How long? Why didn’t I notice the change? How much of this can I blame on myself? Because I will find the things I can blame on myself and then I’ll chew on them like an old piece of beef jerky. And my whole head will ache after, because of all the chewing.
…Towns lit up, like a diamond necklace draped aaaaaaaaaaall along the bay. I would have bought her a diamond necklace. I totally would have. I already bought the ring. Would have felt obligated to keep it in my underwear, so, at least there’s an upside to her dumping me. Oh hey look, that must be Vesuvius. Why would you want to live near Mount Vesuvius? It’s alive.
…I shake my head back to consciousness as someone steps in the way of my view and leans toward me over the back of Elijah’s seat. (That’s a joke. An empty chair for Elijah. If you’re Jewish you get it.)
“How you doin there, mate?” It’s Billy.
I don’t much like that careful, quiet tone he’s using.
“Yeah, totally. Amazing restaurant.”
“Em,” he looks back over to the kitchen and says quietly, “Mate, you didn’t eat.”
“What? I ate!”
“You ordered olives. At a Michelin-starred restaurant that people can only reserve a year to the day ahead of time. Everything ok?"
Or you call and bribe them. That can get you a table, too.
“Yeah, the olives were good.” And are still largely untouched, I see as I glance down at my plate. Yet I’m certain I’ve ordered something. Beyond the wines, I mean.
“Shit.” I now realize that the staff of the restaurant are waiting for me. “This outdoor patio is a patio all day. Doesn’t it just turn back into a patio at night? Like when the clock tolls midnight?”
“Sure but midnight’ll still be two hours away.” He pauses to look behind him and motions to someone that he’s going to sit down with me.
“Um…” I don’t know what to say. Cuz I really don’t want to talk to him rn. It’s not that I don’t - I just - I don’t want to have to try so hard to speak in complete sentences.
“You’d rather that I didn’t join you. Well, if you can put up with my less than ideal company for the next half hour, then the kitchen will be locked down and you can sit out here staring at Naples all night by yerself. Or is it me specifically?”
I snort.
Billy shifts in his seat. “Simon? You didn’t actually answer the question. You just sort of breathed loudly at it.”
I shake my head, not sure what he’s talking about.
“Leave by yourself, or sit for 25 more minutes with me.”
I feel like he’s speaking a different language and frown at him. Why is he looking at me like that?
“Mate, you’re thinkin out loud again. And for your information, I’m speaking English, with an Irish accent, which really isn’t that different to all other versions of English. Because it’s English. And I’m lookin at yeh like this cos you’re startin to scare me, yeah?”
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“Is that a rhetorical question? I’m not sure that was a question at all.”
He slides his chair back looking kinda pissy.
“What did I say?! Don’t look at me like that,” I finish in a mumble.
He stands. “Em.” It’s Billy, who is annoying the fuck out of me rn. “You’re not looking too-”
“Fuck it. Where can I sit?”
Billy takes a step back, definitely looking pissed off now, and raises his hands in an “I give up” kinda gesture. “Enjoy your solitude. I’ll just tell the owner to turn the lights off on yeh, then.” He turns and starts to walk away toward the kitchen again.
“Yes! Thank you. I’ll be able to see the view better,” I say, tapering off at the end. I hear the kitchen door close.
I go to take another sip of wine, but my glass is gone. All that’s left is the last bottle I ordered, already uncorked, thank god.
The lights go out. Finally.
“Well if it isn’t the lovely Rosalina. What brings you my way this early in the day, love?” She always blushes when I greet her this way. If she didn’t work here at the hotel, I’d be finding all the places I could make her blush. Christ, she’s beautiful. They grow ‘em like that here. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“It is the American on the roof. You come, please.”
That can’t be good. “On the roof?”
“Or maybe I do not speak it well. He is on the floor of his room, on the floor next to his room. He sleeps there. Maybe he drops his key in the sea? Or the window?”
“He’s asleep on the floor?”
“But not in his room?”
She shakes her head. So do I. What now, Seemon.
Haven’t laid eyes on him in a coupla days. Hoped he’d be doin better.
She looks very serious now. “And I do not like to see the other girls also seeing him when they go to clean. You speak English to him and you are tell him to go to his room for the sleep.”
That’s really very sweet -- she doesn’t want to embarrass him. “I do not like them seeing him like that, either, Rosalina. Thank you. You are very kind.”
“You have a beautiful heart,” I say, tapping my chest. No use listing everything else beautiful about her. “And your English is improving.” She smiles, and twists away so I can’t see her blushing. Why do women do that? When are they more lovely?
She’s a coworker, Billy, she’s a coworker. I already regret my feckin principles.
She shoos me toward the stairs to the top floor, and all but flees down the hallway when I aim a smile her way. She’s sweet.
Even before I top the stairs, I can already hear him snoring.
Actually, that sounds more like choking.
Aw, mate, this isn’t good. He snores until his head lolls too far to the side, then he chokes, making his head roll back against the wall, where he starts up with the snoring again. Jesus Christ, has he been choking like this all night?
He’s sat propped up next to the door to his suite. The closer I get, the more I smell fumes. It’s sickly sweet, and oof, he’s got sticky-looking drool migrating in a slow stream from his mouth down the side of his chin.
The label on the half-empty bottle says Limoncello. “Aw, mate. The pain you’re about to feel is a unique suffering.” I hate to get in his face to wake him up. Something tells me Simon’ll be mortified, but there’s nothin for it.
The hall is dim with the storm shutters bolted tight from the inside. Maybe if I shed some light on the situation… Result!
Simon choke-snorts, then groans as he attempts to shift away from the source of light. So the – oof, they stick – shutters at the far end of the hall are open. Result again.
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He mumble-whines. “Mmmfm mmmmbnnnaway.” Then there’s groaning, as if the sound of his own voice is too offensive to bear. Then growling and groaning. Until I finally hear some English I recognize. “Ow? Owwwwwwww. Nooooooo. Make it ugly again. n’Go away.”
“Make it ugly?”
“Dark. Too pretty. Hate it.” Followed by whimpering.
“How can something be too pretty?” I mumble under my breath.
“Just can.” Then he tries to roll his head toward the sound of my voice and fails. “Owwwwww?”
Probably needs a hand up. Leaning down, I can see his pulse pounding in his temple. I’d take the pain away if I could, mate. I would if I could. “Let’s get ye to bed, get ye down for a kip, mate. It’ll make you feel better, promise.”
“s’Too pretty in there. Don’t want pretty. You’re too pretty, go’way.”
I can’t help snorting.
“Said go’way.”
“Sorry, mate. Not happenin. Anyway, I can shutter the windows in there to keep it dark. The bed’ll be more comfortable for yeh to sleep it off than this floor, at any rate.”
“Don’t wanna be comfortable.”
Hm. “Here, man. Take my arm. We’ll get you sorted.”
“Go’way!” he shouts, then clutches his head and whimpers. “n’Stop being so nice. s’Disgusting. Don’like it. Don’like you. Go’way.”
“Yer lucky I’m pretendin to be hard of hearin, or I’d go ahead and leave ye here. Now take my arm and-”
“Stop it!” He tries slapping my hands away. And misses.
Shaking my head. Just shaking my head.
“Can do it myself,” he demands. But no, he really can’t. He gives standing a go, and all he manages is a high pitched sob.
“Aw, man. Go on, lemme help yeh.”
Apparently there is a threshold of stupidity with Simon Lewis, thank Christ. He holds out his arm.
But before he takes my hand, he squints up at me. “Never speak of this,” he says with deadly seriousness. “Never happened.”
As I shutter the windows and draw the curtains, he shuffles into bed, fully clothed. “Gross. Why am I sticky?”
“Aw, mate. Ye don’t want to be sleepin in those clothes. I promise yeh, mate. You get your kit off, and I’ll fetch you a wet cloth.” I hold up my hand to stop the inevitable complaints and refusals. “Enough whingeing, man, just do it.”
I come back from the bathroom to find a pile of clothes on the floor, and Simon snoring away with the sheet stuck to his face. It would be endearing if he wasn’t such a feckin pain in my arse.
Simon’s been silently staring out the window for 45 minutes. But not out the window with the gorgeous view. He’s staring at the rock cliff face blurring past too fast to see much of anything.
I want to reassure him that everything will be alright. But it’s not my place, and he’s not for hearin it, anyway.
And what if it isn’t alright.
I try to just leave it be, but I can’t help myself. “You alright man?”
“You’re usually a lot gobbier than this. I’m worried about yeh.”
“Italy was a bad idea.”
“Italy is never a bad idea.”
“Says the man not living my life.”
He’s got me there. “Ok.
As I’m pulling his bags out the boot, I feel like I can’t leave it like this. I don’t know why. It’s just unsettling seeing someone in pain like this, and not bein able to help. I wasn’t lyin -- I’m worried about him.
“Thanks, Beelee,” he says, holding out his hand.
We shake, and before I give him his hand back, I find myself saying, “Text me in 6 months and let me know you’re alive, yeah?”
He huffs out a breath and looks at me. After a moment he shifts uncomfortably, and finally says, “Yeah.”
I’ve no idea why I feel so relieved. “What’s yer number, I’ll text yeh.” Shocked be fuckin I when he gives it to me.
“Thanks, Billy. You’re a good guy. Appreciate you.” And then he’s gone.
Start: January Ch. 1 || Prev: February Ch. 2 || Next: April Ch. 4
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blurringedges · 2 years ago
Books of 2022
Here we gooo!
1.       Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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2.       A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney
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3.       Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
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4.       The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Jenny Bayliss
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5.       Hamilton and Me: An Actor’s Journal by Giles Tererra
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6.       Putting It Together: How Stephen Sondheim and I Created Sunday in the Park With George by James Lapine
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7.       I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy
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8.       Dolly Parton: Songteller: My Life in Lyrics by Dolly Parton
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9.       A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
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10.   The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon
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11.   Money: A User’s Guide by Laura Whateley
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12.   Windswept and Interesting by Billy Connolly
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13.   Year of Yes: How To Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes
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14.   Happy Sexy Millionaire by Steven Bartlett
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15.   Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadette Evaristo
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16.   The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken by The Secret Barrister
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17.   They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera
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18.   Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman
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19.   Lord of the Flies by William Golding
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simon-x-billy · 2 years ago
Billy tells me that there is a second standing stone in the Corcomroe Abbey churchyard, called The Kissing Stone. Like a sewing needle it has a hole through the very top. A bride on one side put her finger into the hole, and the groom did the same on the other side. When their fingers met, they were officially married. Despite it being pagan, the church never bothered to take it down.
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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salvador-daley · 4 years ago
Salvador Daley’s Masterlist
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Most of these fics contain naughty words and are unsuitable for minors. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Requests are always open. 
🌶 Denotes level of smuttiness 😇 = Smut free
Join the Taglist to be notified when I post new fics
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Ocean 🌶🌶
A visit from an old friend creates a perfect storm of emotion
Namaste 🌶🌶
When the yoga class is cancelled, a flexible stranger comes to the rescue. A collab with @badsext
Lock-in 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
(Sean Falco x Reader x Billy Delaney)
The bar is closed, but the night is only just beginning. A collab with @seanfalco
Library 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
A curly-haired Irishman falls afoul of the librarian’s strict rules on late books
Bad Day  🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
He offers to relieve her frustrations after a rough day at work
Peanuts 🌶🌶🌶
Would you like to play a game?
Massage 🌶
A short story with a happy ending
The Christmas Trip 🌶🌶🌶🌶
A party with a difference
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A New York marketing exec attempts to escape her messy life with a trip to a 5* resort in Mexico, but an evasive stranger upsets her plans for drunken oblivion
Part 1 🌶🌶 | Part 2 🌶🌶 | Part 3 🌶🌶 | Part 4 🌶🌶
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A flirty encounter leads to a night that tests her will and her boundaries 
Part 1 🌶🌶🌶 | Part 2 🌶🌶🌶🌶 | Part 3 🌶🌶
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A night of drinking games leads to games of another kind
Part 1 🌶🌶 | Part 2 🌶🌶🌶🌶 | Part 3 🌶 🌶
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A young starlet finally lands what she hopes will be her big break. But first she has to endure two weeks locked up with her annoying co-star
Part 1 🌶 🌶 | Part 2) 🌶 🌶 🌶 | Part 3 🌶 🌶
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A well-known actor falls for an older makeup artist on set, but is she hiding a secret?
Part 1 🌶🌶 | Part 2 🌶🌶 | Part 3 🌶🌶🌶 | Part 4 🌶 🌶
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Klaus Hargreeves
Medium 😇 COMPLETE!
TUA AUgust 2021
Klaus wonders what his life might have been if he’d never been adopted by Reginald Hargreeves, until a shocking revelation leads him to seek out the one man who can provide the answer
TUA Masked Author Shocktober 2021
A young Klaus Hargreeves wakes up to a nasty surprise following a one-night stand with an enigmatic artist
Stitches 😇
TUA Masked Author GenJune 2021
Klaus has been in rehab more times than he can remember. But following a frightening wake-up call, he decides to give it another shot
Valentine’s Day in Vietnam 😇
EnKlaveFest 2021
A hungover Klaus awakes after a night in the arms of a young man from Dallas
Silk 🌶
Klave Fucktober 2021
Dave gets frisky with Klaus over breakfast and discovers a new kink
Jungle 🌶🌶
Klave Fucktober 2021
A young soldier seeks some privacy in the Vietnamese jungle, but he’s not the only one
Taste 🌶
A Klesbians AU story
Vina’s mind wanders to her female friend Niki while in bed with her fiancé
Tannenbaum 😇
Klaus has no job and no money and can’t make Christmas decorations to save his life. But none of this will stop him from planning a festive surprise
WFH 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Dave has a pressing work deadline, but stupid, sexy Klaus is determined to distract him
Atlantic  🌶🌶🌶
Broke, down on his luck (again) and with only his sister's nasty book for company, a young Klaus Hargreeves waits for his ‘boyfriend’ to pick him up and whisk him away from this rundown New Jersey hotel. If only a handsome, blue-eyed Texan boy with a head of sandy curls would fall into his lap... 
High Altitude WIP! ✈️
An enemies to lovers slow burn featuring Flight Attendant!Klaus and Pilot!Dave having a series of sexy misunderstandings which will culminate, eventually, in smut
Salv’s Tidbit Collection 😇
A smorgasbord of light and tasty one-shots
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58 with Billy? 🤔
Rain on Me
(Billy Delaney x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: SMUT and language, the usual
A/N: We all know what happens when Billy takes a shower, he just has a different Jones girl to seduce now. As requested by @slutforrobbiebro from Intimacy Requests: #58 being locked in a small space. This is a continuation of "Shameless."
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“Do ye really want to do this? In your aunt’s house?”
“You mean your ex’s house? Less gobbing, more kissing.”
“It's not exactly kissing is it?”
“I don't know, Billy. I'm not down there when you do it, am I?”
“Alright! When did ye get so touchy?” he rolled his eyes and rolled your knickers down.
Billy ran his hands over your knees and parted them. He braced themselves on the back of your thighs as he kissed your sex, tongue dipped just inside the entrance. He slid it backwards along your slit before planting soft little pecks up. Now he darted his tongue in and out in flicks around your clit, teasing it. His fingers kneaded your skin and gripped your ass as he worked his tongue faster.
“Fuck me!” you shouted louder than expected.
Billy didn't stop, but reached a long arm towards your face to cover your mouth. Playful, you bit his fingers and started to suck on one. Your hand wrapped around his forearm as you imitated giving him head. He growled but kept on faster.
His tongue faster than you knew it could travel in and out of you. The circles and snaking took your breath away until he hooked the fingers of his free hand inside of you. He alternated between fingers and tongue while your legs started to squirm. Your cries of pleasure drew footsteps.
“FUCK.. FUCK! Billy!”
“You cumming already?!” he sat back on his haunches, lips wet with you.
Before you could answer there was a loud banging.
“You perverts alright in there?” Alfie. “IT'S MY engagement not yours!”
“Yeah! Fucking golden, mate! I'm just..” Billy held his hands out in front of himself like an offering. He shook his head to indicate he was clueless how to respond.
“Sick! He's gone and vommed all over. Did Tom cook?” you popped the door open a crack. Eyes wide and innocent.
Alfie just blinked back at you his answer.
“Great. From here on Billy’s only or take away. Look I think he's gonna have to clean off. Gems won't mind if he showers right?”
“Oh no. I know what happens when that handsome Irish bastard showers in this house. Why can't you tell Alfie the truth? Quick shag? Pretend he's sick? I'll cover.” Alfie winked at you. Your cheeks pinked in response. “TOO RIGHT YOU ARE!!” he shouted. “Fifteen minutes, but I've gotta bring clothes.”
Billy was already starting the shower as Gemma shouted a very well-timed “Everything good, loves?” She was halfway up the steps.
You watched as Alfie stood in her way, “Nasty. Chunks everywhere. Come on let's have some wine.” Gemma tried to protest but agreed and they left.
You turned around and caught sight of Billy completely nude. He was standing in the shower, water cascading down his shoulders and chest. Your eyes wandered down to his waist and pelvis and..
“Come on, he said fifteen minutes,” Billy wiggled his finger at you in a come here motion. Mischief in his blazing green eyes, his cock stood at attention. “I'll drown doing this for ye.”
“Alfie said you used to drown in pussy anyways, what's one more?” You hastily stripped and joined him with a slam of the glass door.
Before Billy could protest, you tugged him by the neck down to your waiting mouth. His hands enveloped you and spread along your spine. One across your shoulders. The other in the small of your back. His erection hard against your thigh as your tongues and mouths warred with each other.
There was a back and forth with tongues as your hands roamed each other's bodies. Billy's down over your ass to lift you up into his waist. He broke the kiss and covered one of your breasts with his lips and tongued a nipple. He sucked it gently before nipping at it with just the ends of his teeth. You gasped as he did it again to the other.
You found yourself bent in an awkward position. Leaned almost in half backwards as Billy overtook you in his sudden eagerness. His hips, with a mind of their own, twitched as his cock strained towards your entrance.
“How the bloody hell are we going to do this?” you questioned. “We've never shagged in the showers before.”
“Damn,” Billy utterded. He rotated away from you to search for an idea. “There?” he pointed to a built in shelf.
“I don't think we'll fit in there,” your voice came out bemused. It was hard to talk around the water pressure without a shout.
“No! This,” he took your hands and stretched your arms straight up. Then he turned them palm towards the shower ledge and placed them both flat. His hands traveled the length of your arms to your ribs to briefly cup your breasts then over your waist and hips. They lifted you completely off the shower floor so your legs could wrap around his body.
“I see,” your voice lost in the deluge of water that pounded on Billy's shoulders and back as you sank onto his cock. Your own back hard against the shower wall.
The two of you found an uneasy pattern. Now you didn't have much time, your bodies slammed into one another as Billy buried himself in your walls. You started an odd bounce supported by the ledge and his arms under your ass. His fingertips dug into the thick of you as he pounded in earnest. Your bodies made a slapping noise due to the water.
Billy had primed you before and he was angled just right. His mouth consumed yours and inhaled your orgasmic cry so no one could hear it. He pumped a few times and you felt it, him spill inside of you with a spasm. One more time he thrust to make sure; his arms started to buckle from adrenaline drain.
You turned off the shower and went to push open the door. It was stuck.
“This cannot be right,” Billy tried to lift it off the track but it was grounded.
He shook and you pushed and started to argue.
“Like fuck I'm climbing over! You're agile like a sexy Irish cat, you do it.”
“Sexy..” Billy rolled his eyes for the hundredth time as he rattled the door. “As ucht Dé!”
“Is that.. Irish?!”
He shot you a look so murderous that you were grateful momentarily that every adult in the house tumbled into the bathroom at once.
“Is everyone.. Oh! OH!! Ohhh” Gemma showed a range of emotions from concern to confusion to shock to shocked acceptance.
You stood behind Billy as to cover your nudity best you could. He covered his cock and exhaled heavily through his nose. You pressed your forehead to his shoulder and prayed to disappear.
Just then Inca spoke up in her Swedish accent, “Oh yes y/n, I can see the Irish has a pot of gold at the end of his rainbow.”
Billy just covered his eyes too.
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seanfalco · 4 years ago
thirsty thursday headcanon masterlist.
General Headcanons:
Nathan | Sean | Luke | Klaus | Billy | Duncan | Nikolai | Ivan | Roland | Valdo
Rob characters & their sex styles: A Venn diagram
Lingerie preferences for partner (Nathan Young)
Dom! HC’s (Klaus, Sean, Vincent, Luba, & Darren)
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NSFW Alphabet HC’s - [ list link ]
Nathan Young [ complete ]
Sean Falco [ complete ]
Duncan Taylor [ complete ]
Luke (Cherrybomb) [ complete ]
Klaus Hargreeves: A, D, K, L, S, U, W, Y
Vincent Rhodes: B, C, D, F, H, J, M, O, P, V, X
Nikolai (Song of Sway Lake): A, T, V, D, K, U, W, M, N, O, B, J, L, S, Y, Z
Billy Delaney: E, L, O, U, A, G, M, V
Luba (Mute): C, H, J, K, M, S, U
Ivan Mccormick: B, F, K, Q, W, Z
Win Lewis (oc): I, N, W
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Bullet Point Fics:
Sexy Snowed-in Sleepover (Sean Falco)
Trapped in an Elevator (Duncan Taylor)
Teaching Nathan How to Go Down on You (Nathan Young)
Choosing Billy (Billy Delaney)
Embarrassed About Your Kinks (Luba)
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robertsheehanownsmyass · 4 years ago
List of Love Stories, Valentines Day 2021 drabbles
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Hello my lovely fellow Sheefans!
Here is where I will be posting the results from my little Love Stories Valentine’s Day event!  I hope you enjoy, and if you like my stuff please consider a reblog! Thank you!
Note: Asterisks denote smut.
*light smut | **pretty smutty | ***very smutty
Klaus Hargreeves (TUA)
The End Justifies the Means*** Klaus x Reader Klaus surprises reader with a steamy hike in Brazil. Fun smut!
Magic Dance** Klaus x Reader Klaus can’t sleep and hassles reader for a little relaxation, which she delivers in spades.
Billy Delaney (Me and Mrs Jones)
Morning Melodies*** Billy x Reader Billy and reader have some fun involving a piano. Smutty, romantic fluff.
Sean Falco (Bad Samaritan)
Sleet Happens** Sean x Aev Swift Sean and Aev warm up after a mishap in bad weather.  Check out the series this is based on, A New Beginning, and here is more about Aev!
Luke (Cherrybomb)
Pyrotechnics** Luke x Reader An intense conversation takes a passionate turn. TW: talk of death and addiction, mild angst but a lot of smut with a fluffy finish.
Nathan Young (Misfits)
Smoke Rings*** Nathan Young x Lydia Bellamy. This sexy little drabble is about Nathan and Lydia from the Hard Candy series. Lydia is Simon’s little sister who had purchased a time travel pass from Seth several years in the future so she could go be with Nathan and stop him from meeting Marnie. If you’re not into OCs, just use your imagination and pretend it’s you, lol. TW: smut and Nathan being his usual gross self.
Zoom Goes the Dynamite** Nathan Young x Fem!Reader Reader needs a little extra help getting to the finish line during lockdown. Smut with some fluff.
Vincent Rhodes (The Road Within)
POP! Goes the Prosecco Vincent x Reader Vincent tries to help reader with her migraine but best laid plans often go awry. TW: this is really fluffy but there is a portrayal of a neurodivergence that I hopefully treated with sensitivity. We all love Vincent.
Simon Lewis (The Mortal Instruments)
The Smell of Fear Simon x Reader Reader escapes a sticky situation with Simon’s assistance.
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misskittysmagicportal · 4 years ago
For your requests, I’m not sure why but I’m really intrigued to see the SFW prompt #56 with Cormac! I love the way you write for him! Happy birthday, by the way :)
(Cormac x Jeanie)
Warnings: not a single one! Just fluff
A/N: In the not so distant future, Cormac and Jeanie talk about how it all started while relishing where they are because of it. Anonymous requested 56. remember when we first met?
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“Remember when we first met?” Cormac said.
“How could I forget?” she chuckled.
“It's been ten years!” he exclaimed and pulled her into his chest as they lay awake in bed.
“You think a woman forgets the most beautiful man she's ever seen walk through the front door of her best mate’s pub?” she snuggled into his arms. Her ear pressed to hear his steady beating heart.
Cormac’s heart picked up, but not in that turned on way. He was flustered. Genuine compliments embarrassed him. His body hummed with electricity. After a decade she never thought to ask if he was magnetic too. If he was, Cormac never showed her.
“Stop,” he said now with a quiet pleading.
“You were! I was in such a horrid mood. They were threatening to shut us down, and some mysterious rich asshole had bought us. After a year my divorce was finalized. I lost my house and my car. I lived in a studio flat next door to a bunch of fifth years.”
She rolled over now. Head supported by her hand as she propped herself up to look at him properly. Cormac absently traced shapes along her back from the shoulders over her spine and down. Spread out distinct patterns. The Constellations.
“I didn't even need th’ten quid he bet me t’humilate you. I'm not sure why I took it or agreed. I don't really pull ladies, I sort of get pulled.”
“Ha!! Alfie begs to differ!”
“Don't bring him in this! I was different with him. Between the two of ye, I gained confidence. The night we met, not s’much.”
“I don't understand either. You were very sweet, and very witty. And very sexy. I kept thinking to myself ‘How does an adult Harry Potter/Clark Kent work?’ For you, it did.”
“Harry?! But I'm a Raven-Puff! Huffle-claw?!” Cormac laughed. “Meanwhile I t’ought, ‘He told me she was an icy bitch. She's got such kind eyes and a beautiful smile.’ Dunno why your hair,” he twisted his finger up in one of her waves, “was like a sunset. It's th’same color as Hannah’s, just.. warmer. I knew I was in trouble”
Now the crimson climbed along her ears and over her cheeks. A decade together, and he still found ways to delight and discombobulate simply by loving her.
“YOU were in trouble?! Why Dr. Mcnamara are you implying,” she bit her entire bottom lip and squinted one eye closed, “a wee bit o’love at first sight?” She mimicked his accent.
“I’d say don’t be daft, but we both know it's true,” he kissed her forehead and reached for his glasses.
“Then you kissed me,” she kissed his chest. “And then I lost you,” she kissed his neck behind his ear. “And then we found each other and relived the same year over,” she kissed his cheek. “And now I'm almost forty,” she kissed him sweetly on the lips before she rolled onto her back. “And so bloody uncomfortable.”
Cormac put his hand on her large, swollen stomach. She enveloped it with both of her small ones, and a tiny limb attempted to puncture the surface. She groaned, but he was fascinated and stared longing for it to happen again. When it did they both laughed.
Then in a whirlwind of arms and legs and bodies, a trio of children suddenly appeared on their bed. They jumped wildly about save for one who rocketed up in the air and landed perfectly on Cormac’s stomach.
“WAKE UP, DADDY! Alfie and Oliver want to play with SILVIA.”
“Daddy has to vomit first. You're so small, but so strong. You don't play with her, the lot of you mess about until her programming is done in. Because your cousin has his father’s personality. And you are your Mummy”
The eldest of the boys stopped, “My dad says that's your favorite part of him, Uncle Billy.”
“I don't want ye t’repeat this, and I say it wit’ so much love. Your Dá is a tosspot. I love him like he was my own, but he is a drunken monkey of a man. Age and marriage and you two,” Cormac wiggled his fingers at the boys, “Have done nothing to change him. If ye get dressed and sit nicely I'll make ye breakfast and we can go for a hike. No computers.”
“He says as if he doesn't wear her around the neck still at 34.”
Cormac ignored her, “Don't make me regret taking you to for th’week while your dads are in France.” He scratched his head, “Alfie and Ewan. Who saw t’at one coming?”
“Oh I did. Alfie’s sexual prowess with women was definitely his way of suppressing his feelings for you. Good thing he decided he can be attracted to both. I love our best friends being married.”
“I suppose.” Cormac’s insufferable catchphrase. He couldn't help but grin, one cheek dimpled by it. “Ada, sweetheart, can ye get dressed by yourself today?”
The little girl pulled the thumb she had been sucking out of her mouth with a pop. “No?”
“Ada Lovelace.”
“Daddy..” she took her time, “Mac.. Nah.. mmm. DELANEY.”
“Bloody.. sure that one comes out right. Can your cousins help?”
“Steady on then! Go. Before Mummy regrets remembering the day we met.”
She never would.
tag: @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @nightmonsters @robertsheehanownsmyass @slutforrobbiebro @forenschik @frogs--are--bitches @bisexualnathanyoung @bwritesstuff
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georgiaswarr · 4 years ago
lister bird - part 2 (part 1)
beautiful faces - declan mckenna
i’m very much many thoughts head full can’t put it into concise words when it comes to beautiful faces as an iwbft song but suffice it to say, this song looks at celebrity, influencer and consumerism culture through a certain lens of doom, which hits close to home for lister. it also addresses excessive partying and drinking, for example in the “lift your hands up and lead us back home” lyric
beige - yoke lore
“i don't wanna see you smile / i want you in the morning / before you go performing” *whispers* bicci song
9 to 5 - smallpools
lister grew up poor and we mustn’t forget that part 3. also themes of losing innocence and doing what you must to survive in this cruel world.
when the party’s over - billie eilish
more themes of loneliness, self-hate and partying ! yay ! /s
hallucinogenics - matt maeson
i mean.... “pushing past the limit, trippin' on hallucinogenics / my cigarette burnt my finger 'cause i forgot i lit it / rippin' with my sinners 'cause fuck it, man, i ain't no beginner / and then i crawled back to the life that i said i wouldn't live in // cause i just couldn't open up, i'm always shiftin' / go find yourself a man who's strong and tall and christian” NEED I SAY MORE, THIS IS THE MOST LISTER SONG IN EXISTENCE
okay okay - alessia cara
a song about trying to fake self-confidence until you “make it” even though you don’t believe that you’re - to quote - a “million trick pony” yourself which is very true for lister john self-deprecation bird
nights - neon trees
here we have lister at least thinking that his crush on jimmy is unrequited, plus themes of insomnia
be an astronaut - declan mckenna
this raises the question of how much agency lister has and how much he’s just pushed around by his circumstances and by society, even though he might dream, or has dreamt of being bigger than that
clouds - børns
this song makes me think of Yearning(TM) while being high - yknow, something that lister does
liability - lorde
“the truth is i am a toy that people enjoy / till all of the tricks don't work anymore / and then they are bored of me” - growing up in the world of fame, constantly being sexualised, nobody knowing how you truly feel, all while feeling distant from your two closest friends has taken a huge toll on lister’s self worth
icarus - bastille
“out on the front doorstep, drinking from a paper cup / you won't remember this / living beyond your years, acting out all their fears / you feel it in your chest” lister “grew up too fast and has been on the verge of death multiple times” bird
hurricane - lord huron
something something lister getting a certain thrill out of living on the edge something something
i swear - exes
more themes of falling apart and getting drunk :(
white wine - walwin
kinda vibes but also comparing somebody you’re attracted to to alcohol....... i mean it’s not the most healthy thing to do especially for lister but he’s trying
saint - vérité
this is about how lister appears to the outside world and how that doesn’t reflect who he is inside - everyone sees him as a cheeky golden boys, as a “saint”, even though he has many issues and hates who he actually is
preacher man - the driver era
shoutout to @listerswift for reccing this song to me. remember when lister said that maybe he should try becoming religious too in the wednesday chapters??? in iana, when he’s gonna try to get better and find something other than alcohol to turn to i feel like there will be a phase where he feels lost and might even entertain the thought of religion. either way, he’s looking for something or someone who will help him “get away from this life of sin”
everything i wanted - gengahr version
(yes this is a cover of the billie eilish song I JUST LOVE THIS VERSION A LOT OKAY) anyway, lister feeling like what he wanted isn’t actually what he needs? feeling alone, like nobody cares about him or is listening to him? feeling the pressures of fame and everyone wanting something from him? themes of insomnia? but still eventually (hopefully) finding comfort in his friends? this song’s got you covered
half the night - couchsleepers
y’know, the fact that jimmy and lister are gonna sleep in the same bed long before they start hooking up to help each other
bravado - yoke lore
bicci song - “little bits of my own little mistakes” (they’ve both fucked up in the past) and “you put songs inside my cells” (because they’re musicians) and also “are there really angels in southern california” (southern california standing for the world of fame, could there be good things there?)
la la - kids in america
“don’t need this attention not another mention / just wanna stay high” a song about just wanting to let go of the world and all its problems
85 - andy grammer
here we explore lister’s relationship with money and wealth - while he grew up poor, after getting money he started splashing out on expensive cars and the like. however, there’s plenty of evidence that points towards the fact that he’ll go back to appreciating the little things in iana and rethink his priorities, which this song expresses
like i love you - lost frequencies
lister wants to know if jimmy loves him the way he loves jimmy
holy ghost - børns
a sexy song with religious symbolism??? that’s very bicci of you børns
run away with me - carly rae jepsen
“do you ever imagine what would happen if we just... ran away?” let the ark run away in iana challenge
bad habits - delaney jane
i do think it’s a sign of progress and improvement when the “bad habit” in question is a passionate but confusing friends-with-benefits affair with your fellow band mate instead of like.... alcohol and smoking and shit
pink lemonade - james bay
i mean my personal theory is that jimmy and lister won’t want to talk about what hooking up means for their relationship/properly define their relationship for quite a while, due to personal issues and also what it means for the band. this song embodies that.
could you love me - kygo
we all know lister’s got some self-esteem and mental health issues, and even though he’s trying to change, he’s unsure if rowan and jimmy could still love him
killer whales - smallpools
a song about a relationship where both parties have difficulties opening up and being completely vulnerable, but eventually being able to get through to each other. it also expresses a great admiration for the person that is sung about which i think is beautiful
pink in the night - mitski
aaaaand one more bicci song for good measure - “and i know i've kissed you before, but / i didn't do it right // can i try again, try again, try again / try again, and again, and again / and again, and again, and again?” - to quote alice, there will be MANY bicci kisses in iana and i, for one, can’t wait
i wanna get better - bleachers
“and i've trained myself to give up on the past 'cause / i froze in time between hearses and caskets / lost control when i panicked at the acid test / i wanna get better” it’s hard to put into words quite the amount of catharsis and a defiant push for self-improvement that is in this song but i like to think lister very much wants that
glitter & gloss - skott
i could honestly analyse each line and how it relates to lister here but here’s a collection of themes: fame, dressing yourself up and almost getting lost in so-called “glitter & gloss” for the public, but still, at your core, finding your true self and knowing that only very few people can truly know you and understand you. i think this is perfect for the end of this playlist because it seems hopeful to me, like lister���s gonna realise that even though most people will never see his true face, that doesn’t matter because he and his loved ones do.
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simon-x-billy · 2 years ago
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maerenee930 · 4 years ago
Billy Delaney 🥵
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | Lord Mercy
my sweet Billy 💙 one of the sweetest, cutest and most genuine characters and i just love him so much!! he’s so god damn adorable and he melts my heart! 🥺 personally i liked his hair a lot more before he cut it 😍😅 but the shorter hair is also too cute and looks great on him 🥰 i wanna cuddle with him a just give him all the kisses! like for real, i’m not necessarily a mushy gushy and cutesy person. but for Billy, he makes me a hopeless romantic 🖤 and he makes me want all of that cute and cheesy shit! cause he would do it all in a way that’s not overly cheesy and wouldn’t be over the top, or too much and it wouldn’t be obnoxiously cute. like just the right amount of cute, sweet, adorable, precious, lovely with a hint of very sexy! and my god he’s gorgeous!! 🥵
thank you so so much for sending this one as well 🥰 i just love you so much, Salv ❤️😘
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vousnavezrienvu · 5 years ago
I've been watching you all liking and reblogging the same 3 posts of Robert Sheehan gifs I made and they’re not even the best ones ! So here’s a selection of my favs :
Don’t underestimate the Anita B. ones (here and here) Rob’s playing a h*rny italian man (and a total a**hole btw) and it’s worth it. His hair’s looking healthy and shiny and curly and we love to see it
Demons Never Die is not a great movie but it gave us cuddly!Robert not once, not twice but THRICE I respect that, because it’s adorable
Three Summers was enjoyable and it’s f*cking hilarious to watch him flail around. Also cutest kiss I’ve ever seen in a movie, probably.
Queer!Robert ? Yes please. Take a look at the dimples on his lower back, they give me life. Honestly I don’t even know what happens in Mute, it was so bad I just stopped watching. But unibrow and dragqueen!Robert are definitely worth it.
I don’t know which of the 7 The Messenger posts to choose because he looks so good and so tragic in all of them. Anyway it’s the cynical smirk for me.
The Song of Sway Lake is good. It is. The aesthetics are ON POINT. For real, don’t watch the gifs, watch the movie. But if you’re not convinced, take a look at this. (Also you see his a** a lot but tumblr won’t let me show you that)
When it comes to Fortitude everybody agrees on Vladek. You guys seem to like these, these (because tummy <3) and these, and —sure— but have you seen this angel face ? this charisma ? this darkness ?
Also why are you sleeping on Me and Mrs Jones ? Billie Delaney is a genuinely loveable character that you get to see shirtless. What more do you want ? Lip biting ?
You should watch Jet Trash. As someone here told me back when I posted the gifs : the whole movie was solely made to showcase how beautiful Robert Sheehan is. Who cares about the plot. It’s actually not bad but for real : who cares. Atm you guys are obsessed with this gifset and I GET IT he looks unreal. But take a look at this. Also this is very very hot.
Killing Bono isn’t sexy. But it’s hilarious and oh so pure. Also eyeliner, dangling earring and leather béret.
Spiller is an arrogant a**hole and I love him. That’s on The Borrowers.
Finally, let’s give applause to The Young Offenders for this pirate-aesthetic, long-haired Robert.
These are my favs but they’re just a fraction of all the gifs I made. You can check out the masterpost if you wanna see more. Enjoy~~~
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simon-x-billy · 2 years ago
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seanfalco · 4 years ago
With Billy "31" and "37" from the fluff list and "33" from the angst list, please? Thank you very much (if you take the request) and I love everything you do ❤️❤️❤️
[I'M SORRY, It was "31" and "26" on the fluff list. I hope you see it before you write it]
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Shut Me Up
Billy Delaney x f!Reader
Prompt: “Shut up before I kiss you.” + “My lipgloss is all over your lips.” Word count: 361
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“Y’know it’s really not fair that you get t’come in here and look like that while I’m on the clock,” Billy exclaimed from behind the bar as you took a seat at the stool in front of him.
“Look like what?” you asked with a cheeky smirk, resting your chin in your hands as you gazed up at him.
“Oh, like what, she asks! As if y’don’t know,” he scoffed, though he wore a playful grin in return. Drawing you closer with a crook of his finger, you leaned across the bar.
“Gorgeous and utterly distracting,” he answered in a low voice, his gaze holding yours.
“Shut up before I kiss you,” you teased, feeling your face warm, his signature Billy Delaney charm working its magic.
“How about y’kiss me to shut me up instead?” he drawled, leaning in closer and doing that sexy lip bite that made you rather weak in the knees. Luckily you were sitting down… but that didn’t mean it didn’t affect you in other ways.
“Oh, alright,” you relented with a grin, grabbing the front of his shirt. “C’mere you cheeky thing,” you murmured, pulling him toward you til his lips connected with yours. “There, y’happy now?” you asked as you pulled back, cocking an eyebrow at him, aware of the other customers’ stares, but past caring, only having eyes for him.
“Very,” Billy quipped with a grin. “Though I’ll be even happier once my shift is up and I can have a proper kiss.”
“You’re saying that wasn’t a proper kiss?” you gasped. “My lipgloss is all over your lips,” you pointed out.
“And I’m sure it looks lovely on me,” Billy replied with a laugh as your mouth fell open, ready to hit him with another witty rebuttal. “Quick,” he exclaimed, cutting you off, “better kiss me again before I say something else that makes you blush.”
“Billy Delany, you’re lucky I like you so much.”
“I know,” he said, this time catching you off guard as he leaned back in to steal another kiss, rendering you speechless instead.
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